Thursday, 20 February 2014

Chinese New Year Youth Fellowship Celebration @ Uncle Chris's House!

Today is the day when we have our very first Chinese New year celebration as a youth group. It was held at Uncle Chris's house and Auntie Inju and her sister cooked us some awesome Korean food which you can then see below.

Environment in Uncle Chris's House

But before we had our food, we had BIG Ivan Lee to lead us in some awesome games - such as The Push Up Games, The Dancing Game and also a game called A THOUSAND DOLLAR in which everyone was given 5 coins each and they have to go around to play with each other either on Paper Scissors Rock, Thumb Wrestling or Coin Flip! The winner would then have to collect one coin each time he/she wins from the loser!

Small Ivan giving testimony
After that, we had small Ivan Lee once again lead us in a conversation of sharing by the overseas youths - Larissa, Big Ivan and also himself on how have God changed their lives. Their testimony are awesome! A lot of things might happen in the outside world that sometimes we may fall into temptation, but because God loves us, He will always gives us strength to get up once again as long as you believe in Him!

Take 1!
After the sharing and praying, then only small Ivan told us that he will be leaving back to Melbourne the next day. So we decided to take a group photo! Such an awesome photo! Well.. I was being said by Auntie Laura that my leg in the above photo tends to be the CHICKEN WING OF THE YEAR!

Take 2! 
 Below are JUST some pictures of the food that we've eaten at Uncle Chris's house and also the fellowship time!. All food are home-cooked! Thank you Uncle Chris and Auntie In Ju for your kind hospitality!

Auntie Laura with BIG IVAN!
Jeremy is being cool EVEN taking food. HAHA!

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